865 research outputs found

    A Hybrid Technique for Enhancing Data Security

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    The worldwide information and technology has an astounding dependency o n data s e c u r i t y . The r i s k fabricated by the interloper has been a maelstrom for forthcoming specialists. Security pl ay s an essential role in governing the data transfer. The primary objective of this paper is to propose a black box approach which generates a modified plain text from the original message. For this purpose, we have used techniques like Perturbation, Swapping and Shifting which will modify the original plain text. Before giving the plain text directly into encryption process, the m o d i f i e d plain text obtained f r o m above techniques will be given as an input. The complexity of breaking the plain text is increased by applying the above techniques. For experimental purpose, w e use AES algorithm for encryption and d e c r y p t i o n and Java is used for implementing t h e proposed a p p r o a c h . © 2018 Academic Press. All Rights Reserved

    A Survey to Identify an Efficient Classification Algorithm for Heart Disease Prediction

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    Classification is one of the prominent data mining techniques. The objective of the classification algorithms is to place the data in the appropriate class. Data mining plays a vital role in medical diagnosis. The aim of this paper is to identify an efficient classification algorithm for cardiovascular disease prediction. The efficiency of each classification algorithm is expressed using two parameters namely accuracy and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE). From our experimental analysis, we infer that iterative classifier optimizer algorithm results in higher accuracy

    A Survey to Identify an Efficient Classification Algorithm for Heart Disease Prediction

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    Classification is one of the prominent data mining techniques. The objective of the classification algorithms is to place the data in the appropriate class. Data mining plays a vital role in medical diagnosis. The aim of this paper is to identify an efficient classification algorithm for cardiovascular disease prediction. The efficiency of each classification algorithm is expressed using two parameters namely accuracy and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE). From our experimental analysis, we infer that iterative classifier optimizer algorithm results in higher accuracy

    A Hybrid Technique for Enhancing Data Security

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    The worldwide information and technology has an astounding dependency o n data s e c u r i t y . The r i s k fabricated by the interloper has been a maelstrom for forthcoming specialists. Security pl ay s an essential role in governing the data transfer. The primary objective of this paper is to propose a black box approach which generates a modified plain text from the original message. For this purpose, we have used techniques like Perturbation, Swapping and Shifting which will modify the original plain text. Before giving the plain text directly into encryption process, the m o d i f i e d plain text obtained f r o m above techniques will be given as an input. The complexity of breaking the plain text is increased by applying the above techniques. For experimental purpose, w e use AES algorithm for encryption and d e c r y p t i o n and Java is used for implementing t h e proposed a p p r o a c h . © 2018 Academic Press. All Rights Reserved


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    Chemical reducing and capping reagents are largely used in synthesizing metal oxide nanoparticles which limits the biomedical applications. Researchers have recently found out the eco-friendly technique of green synthesis which enhances the unique physical and chemical properties of nanomaterials. In this critique, we discuss green route to synthesize metal oxide nanoparticles and its significant applications in various fields of energy and environment, aerospace, medicine, biotechnology, etc.This study arouses to provoke new research design of approach to synthesize nanoparticles for various technological applications. In this review, most of the metal oxides nanoparticles with different plant extract with enhanced properties for its potential applications are discussed which confirms plant extracts as a potential candidate to be used as reducing and capping agent

    Draft measurement of five tyne duck foot plough in clay soil

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    In the present study, the draft requirement of five tyne duck foot plough was studied on clay soil for different soil moisture content, depth of operation and forward speed of tractor using a specially designed three-point hitch dynamometer.  The designed dynamometer was matched with the tractors having category II or III hitch systems. The data acquisition system adopted for the dynamometer had NI WSN-3214 Strain Nodes, NI 9792 WSN real-time Gateway and NI LAB View 2013 software. A data logger program was developed for the three-point hitch dynamometer. The investigation was carried out at that three levels soil moisture content (10-13%, 14-16% and 17-20%), at three different depth of operation (15, 20 and 25 cm) and three levels of the forward speed of tractor (3, 5 and 7 km h-1). The designed dynamometer performed well in all the levels of the experiment. The results showed that draft force required for five tyne duck foot plough was increased (408 kg) with an increase in soil moisture content (17-20%), whereas it was increased (408 kg) with an increase in depth of operation (25 cm) and forward speed of tractor (7 km h-1). The suitable sweep, the forward speed of operation, depth of operation and soil moisture content that influenced the draft force and energy consumption for tillage operation of duck foot type plough were identified and developed duck foot plough was better coverage with better soil operation.              

    Effects of salinity on the growth, photosynthesis and mineral constituents of the mangrove Rhizophora apiculata L. seedlings

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    The effects of salinity on growth, chlorophyll content, photosynthetic rates, as measured by leaf stomatal conductance and leaf chlorophyll fluorescence induction, and ion accumulation in the mangrove plant Rhizophora apiculata were determined. The following questions were addressed:                (1) What effect does salinity have on growth responses at different ages? (2) Is R. apiculata an ion accumulator? (3) Does R. apiculata accumulate chlorophyll, net photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence in response to salinity? Rhizophora apiculata  plants were grown in pots at 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 % in sand culture in a plant growth chamber and plants were harvested after 30 and 90 d. Plant total fresh and dry weight and moisture content was significantly inhibited at 75 per cent seawater. Seawater salinity stimulated the chlorophyll contents and they were increased upto 75 per cent seawater.  The net photosynthesis increased with increasing salinity upto the optimal level and the CO2 uptake rate was identical in this species at various salt concentrations. Even at extreme salinity, the CO2 uptake was comparable to that non-saline control plants and CO2 uptake could be correlated with the chlorophyll content. The photochemical activities such as PSI and PSII of the isolated cells increased upto the optimal salinity. The result of the chlorophyll fluorescence kinetics provided with additional proof to the finding of CO2 exchange rate and photochemical activities.  The Na+ and Cl− content in both shoots and roots increased with increases in salinity. Increased treatment levels of NaCl induced decreases in Ca+, P, K+, Mg+   and N in plants
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